{2}Mini Herkimmer Diamond Pendants
{2}Mini Herkimmer Diamond Pendants
An incredible Set of Twin HERKIMMER DIAMOND Pendants(with babies: see photo)
As Peregrines we all know that the hardest part of moving is being apart from those we hold dear.
We love the symbolism and meaning of this crystal and think it is the perfect gift for someone you want to keep close, even when they may be far.
CHARACTERISTICS This stone is energizing and promotes creativity. It is a powerful crystal for attunement. It stimulates memory and understanding of dreams. A Herkimer diamond clears the chakras and opens channels for spiritual energy to flow.
Herkimminer diamonds facilitate liberation and transformation and bring out your soul's purpose.
Herkimminer diamond attunes people to each other and creates a bond when they have to part; each should then keep one stone. It has a crystal memory in which information can be stored and later retrieved.
Herkimminer diamonds are said to be among the most powerful crystals for cleansing electromagnetic pollution or radioactivity. They block geopathic stress.
{We love the idea of this for two sisters or mother and daughter or dear friends who are moving far away from one another but you can also buy them separately}
These are crystals so they are one of a kind and there is only 1(each) available.
Sold without chains
150 for both or 90 each.